15 Best Health Supplements to Take to Maintain Your Well-Being and Energy

15 Best Health Supplements to Take to Maintain Your Well-Being and Energy

A healthy daily routine and diet can seem insufficient to sustain energy and good health in today’s hectic world. That is why health supplements are on the rise; many think it helps them maintain excellent health, and most supplements can be purchased without a prescription. But how can you determine which supplement is right for you when there are hundreds available on the market? This post will explain which supplements are the most beneficial to your health. 

But before we get started, it's important to remind you that supplements are not medications but rather dietary additions to your nutrition and whether a supplement will be effective for you or not relies greatly on your individual case.


Spirulina is an algae that grows in freshwater environments like lakes and rivers. This seaweed has a deep blue-green color and is very rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals. It is also an excellent source of antioxidants that help fight free radicals and stop inflammation. Spirulina has been scientifically shown to lower blood pressure, which can cause heart attacks, strokes, and chronic kidney problems. It also contains beta-carotene, manganese, zinc, iron, and many other healthy components. Spirulina is most frequently consumed in tablet and powder form.

FUL® Sparkling Spirulina Drinks

If you're curious about the flavor, spirulina has an odd, fishy smell and flavor that makes it uncomfortable to use as a supplement. However, if you think spirulina might be beneficial for your health but find the smell of fish repulsive, we have a fantastic alternative to suggest: FUL® are carbonated drinks loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant-rich spirulina extract. Why is FUL® unique?

  • FUL® is made with spirulina extract and doesn't taste like this algae. 
  • FUL® beverages are free of sugar and artificial flavor, and color agents. Plus, they provide a ton of health benefits to your body. In addition to a significant number of vitamins and antioxidants, they also contain iron and magnesium. Iron fosters energy and concentration, whereas magnesium supports immunological function and brain function. 
  • There are three varieties of FUL®: Lime & Mint, White Peach, and Lemon & Ginger. Every single one of them will win your heart, we guarantee it!

Try Sparkling Spirulina Drink

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 helps to maintain the health of your body's blood and nerve cells. Additionally, it aids in the digestion of food and its conversion into the energy your body needs. The fact that B12 also prevents megaloblastic anemia that causes weakness, exhaustion, and overall malaise is a further advantage. 

Of course, you can get this vitamin from your daily meals since B12 is found in animal products like meat, fish, and dairy. But some individuals are still at risk for a B12 deficiency, though:

  • This vitamin is frequently lacking in vegans and vegetarians since they restrict their diets to avoid animal products. 
  • Due to decreased stomach acid, which is necessary for adequate absorption of vitamin B12, between 10-30% of elderly people experience problems absorbing the vitamin. 
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency is also common in those who have certain gastrointestinal issues.

Because of this, B12 supplements may be useful for strengthening the neurological system and giving you an energy boost. However, it’s worth saying that there aren't enough studies demonstrating the positive effects of B12 supplements on health. 

Vitamin D

Contrary to vitamin B12, getting enough vitamin D through diet might be challenging unless you consume a lot of oily fish and fortified dairy products. That is why vitamin D deficiency is an incredibly prevalent health issue, especially during the winter when the only time we see the sun is on a random Sunday morning once a month (unless you move south during the cold season). In particular, those with chronic illnesses, seniors, and people of color are more likely to experience vitamin D deficiency. 

Why is it so important to keep vitamin D levels at their optimal levels? This nutrient is in charge of absorbing calcium, which is necessary for sustaining neuromuscular function, bone health, and a healthy immune system. Additionally, vitamin D has been shown to support mental health and reduce stress. This is where vitamins can help. The recommended form to take is vitamin D3, though vitamin D2 is no less effective. You can also determine whether you lack vitamin D by taking a blood test. 


Not to be overly dramatic, but magnesium is a nutrient that plays a critical role in almost all metabolic processes that take place within our bodies. It’s necessary for maintaining healthy blood pressure, nerve cells, muscles, and bones, as well as keeping the blood glucose level normal. Diabetes patients, those who consume mainly processed foods, heavy drinkers, persons who have taken antibiotics for a protracted length of time, and people who are vitamin D deficient are the ones who are most at risk. Magnesium shortage in the body can cause increased anxiety and irritability, weakened bones, problems with blood sugar, and cramping. Since magnesium glycinate is more readily absorbed by our bodies than other forms of magnesium, most experts advise taking this form of the mineral. The recommended daily dose for women is between 310 and 350 mg, and for men, between 400 and 420 mg.


Although there haven't been enough studies to prove the effectiveness of multivitamins, many doctors still recommend them. Only a small percentage of people are able to obtain all the vitamins they require through food. Even if you are certain that your diet is nutrient-rich, it can still be a good idea to take multivitamins to ensure that you are providing your body with the nutrients it needs for optimal functioning. 

The fact that there are far too many different kinds of multivitamins makes it quite difficult to select the one that is right for you. Which vitamins you should choose will depend on your age, diet, health, and any medications you take. Thus, we strongly advise you to see a dietitian or your doctor before starting to take vitamins.


Iron is the primary component of hemoglobin, a protein that transports oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body via red blood cells. Its shortage results in anemia due to the lack of red blood cells to carry oxygen. The main signs of anemia are fatigue, pale skin, weakness, shortness of breath, and dizziness. People who are in danger of having low iron levels are, first and foremost, those who do not consume enough of this nutrient in their diet. Since meat and seafood are the main sources of iron, iron deficiency is a common issue for vegans. Furthermore, to support healthy fetal growth, women require twice as much iron during pregnancy. For this reason, more than half of pregnant women suffer from iron deficiency. Medical professionals frequently advise taking additional supplements to minimize risks and prevent anemia. However, we strongly advise avoiding taking supplements without first consulting a doctor since consuming too much iron may cause complications.


Omega-3 fatty acids, also known as fish oil, are another popular supplement on the market. As important regulators of inflammation, omega-3 fatty acids also promote immunological, cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal health. Additionally, they control blood pressure and support mental health. Women should consume 1.1 g of fish oil daily, compared to men, who require 1.6 g through diet and supplements. If your diet already includes a lot of seafood, such as salmon, sardines, or other fatty fish, you should first check with your doctor to determine whether you need to take an additional omega-3 supplement.


Melatonin is a hormone that our body naturally produces in response to darkness. It is crucial for balancing sleep-wake cycles, which is why this hormone gets you more tired in the evening and makes it simpler for you to go to sleep. People who are exposed to light at night are more likely to experience insomnia as a result of low melatonin levels. Insomnia not only makes it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep for long periods of time, but it also has an impact on your general well-being during the day, leaving you feeling exhausted and fatigued. This is where melatonin supplements come in handy. Additionally, this hormone is helpful for people with jet lag, migraines, and high blood pressure.


Fiber’s effectiveness in preventing constipation is the main factor influencing people's decision to use it as a supplement. However, it also provides a number of additional health advantages for our bodies, including the prevention of heart disease, obesity, varicose veins, and generally regular bowel function. Men should consume 38 grams of fiber, and women 25 grams daily, but it's crucial to receive this amount from food in the first place. The best sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, but if your diet is still deficient in this nutrient, you should also consider taking supplements. Psyllium is the greatest option because it also lowers cholesterol levels.


You've probably heard of creatine, a molecule that our bodies make from amino acids. Creatine stores phosphate groups with high energy, which are later given to ADP to replenish ATP, the body's main energy carrier. It is necessary for intense physical or mental activity. For those who engage in physically intensive activities like sports, frequent the gym, or work out in other ways, creatine is essential. Creatine aids in gaining muscular mass, strength, and endurance so you can work out longer and harder. And while not many people take creatine to enhance cognition, it nevertheless seems to lessen mental tiredness and improve focus and memory.


Probiotics are vital bacteria that help our gut function better. There are two different types of bacteria out there: pathogens and bad bacteria impair gut health, while beneficial bacteria help it thrive. For maximum health and successful absorption of other nutrients in our gut, it is essential to maintain a balance between "good" and "bad" bacteria. If you don't get enough probiotics to maintain a healthy gut, even with a balanced diet and various supplements and vitamins, it can result in nutrient deficiencies. Probiotics also have an anti-inflammatory and weight-loss effect and offer benefits for your cognitive health. Probiotics are also typically prescribed to replenish the gut microbiome after antibiotic use because the latter tends to remove both helpful and harmful gut flora. It's essential to speak with your doctor before you begin taking probiotics because the dosage that you need to take differs from person to person.

Try Sparkling Spirulina Drink


Evergreen ashwagandha, commonly known as "Indian winter cherry," grows in Asia and Africa. In Ayurveda, one of the oldest traditional medical systems, it is considered to be one of the most essential medicines. Ashwagandha offers relaxing effects, lowers blood pressure, reduces swelling, and boosts the immune system. This plant has been shown to boost the body's resistance to stress, making it a popular adaptogen. Ashwagandha is typically used to treat anxiety, insomnia, and fatigue. Ashwagandha pills are safe to take and have a low risk of side effects, according to research studies.


Tyrosine is an amino acid that is created in the body for use in the subsequent synthesis of neurotransmitters, which are critical brain chemicals. Neurotransmitters are referred to as the "communication tools" between nerve cells that are used to send and receive brain signals and affect our mood. High-intensity mental and physical activity can cause neurotransmitter decrease, which impairs energy and attention. For those who don't get enough sleep, tyrosine pills can help replenish those levels and improve memory and clarity. However, it is advised to only use those supplements if you experience stressful or cognitively challenging conditions and, as a result, have low neurotransmitter reserves. In all other circumstances, we advise you to simply reevaluate your diet and eat more tyrosine-rich meals like high-protein foods, poultry, eggs, and dairy products. 

Rhodiola Rosea

The herb Rhodiola Rosea, sometimes referred to as "golden root," is found in mountainous areas of Europe and Asia. Rhodiola Rosea is one of the so-called adaptogens since it helps the body in overcoming stress. It's also a good dietary supplement for enhancing both mental and physical endurance. Studies have also shown that rhodiola aids in the treatment of depression. The good news is that the herb is usually well-tolerated by the body and has minimal side effects.


CoQ10, also known as coenzyme Q10, is a molecule that generally helps the body to turn food into energy. Nearly every cell in the body uses CoQ10, with the heart, liver, and kidneys having the highest concentrations. It also functions well as an antioxidant, shielding cells from oxidative damage. Fatigue is typically the result of CoQ10 decline since the body's cells can no longer produce enough energy to keep the body functioning properly. You can obtain this substance naturally from foods like nuts, fish, and meat, but if you have fatigue, CoQ10 supplements can improve the situation. However, this supplement is unlikely to benefit you if your fatigue is not caused by low coenzyme Q10 levels.

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